MARUYASU, Full Voltage Type Round Pilot Light, Catalog No. HL22-24O, 22mm, Orange, No Contacts
- Please read the complete item description before purchasing.
- We make every effort to accurately describe the item listed for sale.
- Item comes with what is stated in the listing and no other items are included unless otherwise stated in the listing.
- Photos are of the actual item for sale unless otherwise stated in the description.
- If you have any questions or need clarification about a listing or would like pictures of the actual item we would be shipping, please contact us prior to purchasing.
- If there are any problems with your purchase, please contact us at 248-585-8330 so that the matter can get resolved promptly
- We offer a 14 day return/refund policy. Prior authorization is required for returns. Shipping/freight charges are not refundable.
- All items purchased have a one year replacement warranty.